

International University for Peace

The International University for Peace Rome is the structure delegated to represent the UN University for Peace Organization – UPEACE, in South Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Mediterranean basin and Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa.

The United Nations General Assembly, with resolution 35/55 of 5 December 1980, established the University for Peace with the following mission: “To provide humanity with an international institution of higher learning for Peace with the objective of promoting the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence among all human beings, to stimulate cooperation between peoples and to contribute to reducing obstacles and threats to peace and progress in the world, in line with the noble aspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations”.


Unversity card

The University Charter sets out the following general principles in its appendix: “The persistence of war in the history of humanity and the growing threats to peace in recent decades jeopardize the very existence of the human race. They make it imperative that peace should no longer be seen as the end of conflict. As a simple diplomatic compromise. Peace must be achieved and guaranteed through the most precious and effective resource that man possesses: education.
Peace is the primary and irrevocable obligation of a Nation and the fundamental objective of the United Nations. Indeed, it is the reason for its existence. However, until now, the best tool to achieve this supreme good has not been used: Education.
Many nations and international organizations have attempted to achieve peace through disarmament. This effort must certainly be pursued. Facts show that man should not be too optimistic: the human mind is not cultivated with the complex concept of peace from an early age.
Peace education requires that the central importance of training and research be increasingly recognized. They are the foundations of peace and progress. They are a priority means of reducing prejudice and hatred on which violence, conflicts and terrorism are based.”

Il Palazzo di vetro del Segretariato delle Nazioni Unite è un grattacielo alto 154 m e il fulcro del quartier generale delle Nazioni Unite, situato a Turtle Bay nella zona Midtown Manhattan di Manhattan, a New York City.

Il Presidente della delegazione di Roma Ing. Gianni Cara insieme al Rettore dell’Università Internazionale per la Pace, Prof. Francisco Rojas Aravena.


Task of the International University for Peace

The task of the International University for Peace is therefore to educate for peace, engaging in teaching, research, post-graduate training and dissemination of fundamental knowledge for the full development of the human person and societies through the interdisciplinary study of all issues relating to peace. The challenge that all Nations and that all men and women must face is peace education, which constitutes the best means of saving the human race, threatened by war. If education is the main instrument of science and technology, it must be even more so to realize that primary right of the human person which is Peace.

Le Nazioni Unite – con la risoluzione 35/55 del 5 dicembre 1980 – ‘volendo fornire all’umanità un’Istituzione Internazionale di istruzione superiore per la Pace e al fine di promuovere tra tutti gli esseri umani lo spirito di comprensione, tolleranza e coesistenza pacifica’ hanno creato da quasi 39 anni l’Università Internazionale per la Pace, stabilendone la sede centrale in Costa Rica, premiando così questo paese per aver abolito, unico al mondo e unilateralmente, le proprie forze armate e destinando all’istruzione i fondi di bilancio risparmiati. Attualmente il rettore è il dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena.

This important University, which has been expressly authorized to issue – with validity and effectiveness extended to all UN Member States – master’s degrees and doctorates, has among its objectives that of establishing a series of structures at a peripheral level (equipped with organizational autonomy and financial) that allow it to reach the widest possible user bases in different parts of the planet (to promote the pursuit of its institutional goals).

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, is the Honorary President of the UN University of Peace, the Rector of the University is Prof. Francisco Rojas Aravena, the President of the Rome delegation is Eng. Gianni Cara.

On 31 December 2023 Unipace ceased to operate under the delegation of Unipeace and, therefore, no longer carries out delegated activities. As part of its autonomy, it continues to operate as a higher education institution, having preserved the know-how acquired over the years of activity, particularly in sectors related to sustainable development.