

Target of UNIPACE

The task of the International University for Peace is to educate for peace, engaging in teaching, research, post-graduate training and dissemination of fundamental knowledge for the full development of the human person and societies through the interdisciplinary study of all issues relating to peace. The challenge that all Nations and that all men and women must face is peace education, which constitutes the best means of saving the human race, threatened by war. If education is the main instrument of science and technology, it must be even more so to realize that primary right of the human person which is Peace.

Valore dei titoli rilasciati

This important University, of which today the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, is Honorary President, and who has been expressly authorized to issue – with validity and effectiveness extended to all UN Member States – master’s degrees and doctorates, has among its objectives are to establish at a peripheral level a series of structures (equipped with organizational and financial autonomy) that will allow it to reach the widest possible catchment areas in different parts of the planet (to promote the pursuit of its institutional goals). the Research Doctorate confers the title of “Research Doctor” or “PhD”, while for master’s degrees, the final title is the university Master’s degree.

The University promotes PhDs and Masters in the humanistic and religious disciplines, in the applied and medical sciences, in the mathematical, physical and natural sciences, in the human and social sciences, as well as in all those branches of knowledge, which can train a subject who claims not only peaceful coexistence, according to distinct formal objects, but also a certain convergence on the same material objects, capable of enlightening and orienting him in the formulation of his judgments and choices, especially those of an existential nature.

The University also promotes higher education courses. These are professional post-graduate courses, which generally do not include internships. But they are improvement and refresher courses that provide for the development of higher level skills and abilities. The certificate of attendance and advanced training is issued at UniPace.




The University offers a vast range of Doctorate and Master’s programs for Italian and/or foreign researchers and students.

To be eligible, students must have a legally valid university qualification (degree or equivalent), issued by their country.

Each Doctorate is organized by a Department, which becomes responsible for all aspects relating to each programme. The aim of the Doctorate courses is the advanced training of the student in research techniques and any type of training-oriented activity: the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis containing an original research paper is envisaged. According to what is established in the specific legislation on the awarding of qualifications, it will be possible to add some references relating to the discipline in which the doctoral thesis was developed. Students must be in possession of a legally valid university qualification (degree or equivalent), issued by their country. They will also be able to participate in the Masters, which are organized by the Departments, which become responsible for all aspects relating to each programme.

The aim of the Masters is the advanced training of the student and involves the development and presentation of a thesis containing an original research paper.


Internships may be included in the University’s training offer and included in the study plans, which consist of a period of job orientation and training, which do not constitute an employment relationship. For individuals who need to enter or re-enter the world of work, it is an active policy training measure that allows trainees to have temporary experiences within working contexts to promote direct knowledge of a profession or trade.

The internship represents a real filter through which the intern orients himself about his professional choices and, at the same time, trains directly in the workplace, enriching his wealth of knowledge.

To carry out a training internship, an agreement between the University and the host entity (company, professional firm, cooperative, public bodies, etc.) is naturally necessary, accompanied by a training project drawn up by the host entity and the intern in which the respective rights and duties.

Info intellectual attainment

Each study course provided by the International University for Peace of Rome offers a limited number of scholarships. To obtain this information, directly consult the presentation form of the specific course you are interested in.